Friday 22 April 2011


Royal Wedding
With only a week before the royal wedding between Prince William and Kate, the country is going nuts with last minute things to do. They are literally cleaning London, and souvenir shops are selling out. Almost the whole world is excited for this wedding and everyone wants it to be perfect. Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to show up and that is not including the actual VIP guests. Fountains have been cleaned as have war memorials and protesters have been moved.
I think it is awesome that they are really coming together and cleaning up London. But think of what they could do with those millions of dollars they are spending on the wedding. So many people are dying in Japan, and Libya, Not to mention the African people everyone seems to forget about when major disasters or events happen. I know that it is a royal wedding so it is a big deal but still why spend so much when you could help so many people.


Flooding in Manitoba
There has been major flooding in Manitoba. They are evacuating citizens, and shutting down roads, water will continue to rise because of snow in surrounding areas. On Sunday there was a count of 683 evacuees, 70 provincial roads closed or partially closed and 725 municipal roads were closed because of high water levels. They think the water levels have peaked, and they were prepared for this to happen so that's good. It's like our school having a plan for when their is an earthquake. Except they are a province and were a school. But still it is like what I learned in Girl Guides "Be Prepared" and they were definitely prepared. :)


Child Killer
I wrote in an earlier post about this man who killed his children, who was pronounced not guilty on account of being insane. He wanted day passes to go into the community from the asylum he was in, he was granted day passes. But citizens rallied against this decision because they didn't want a convicted (insane) murderer loose in their town.
 Allan Schoenborn said he did not want the day passes anymore once he found out that his ex-wife (the mother of the 3 children he killed) lived in that community.
                          "The reason I'm not looking for escorted absences are I wish no further hardships towards Darcie," Schoenborn wrote in a statement to the panel read by Hicks. "Her stability is paramount. Since the last hearing ... I learned of her whereabouts and her poor condition through TV coverage. I am seeking a strict custody order for those reasons."
But i don't think that's true well I don't even think he is nuts, because after his trial he went to the judge and said I'm was insane but you can release me I'm good now. he is just a weird little man and he deserves to be locked up. and he should not be allowed out to even possibly harass his ex-wife. I don't believe his intent and neither does his wife. she quote "that was a joke". I don't think he ever deserves to leave were he is and if he ever does he should just go right to jail.


On Friday afternoon a 40 year old male from white rock was hit by a train. He was just walking down the tracks listening to his ipod and did not hear it approaching. The conductor blasted the horn a couple times but he did not notice. He may lose a leg.
One of the life lessons I learned as a kid was pay attention when walking on the train tracks, i mean come on isn't that common knowledge. Every kid living near a train track must have had a lecture about that at some point in their life. I'm not saying this guy deserves to possibly lose a leg but we wasn't being very smart was he. he's lucky he did not die.

Monday 18 April 2011


Japan Death Toll
As everyone has probably already been reading about there was a devestating disaster in Japan a little over a month ago. The death poll has now reached nearly 14,000 with another 14,030 people missing. None of these deaths have been caused by the power plant but the government is telling people who live near them to move away from them. The radiation level is getting quite high.
I wish their was something we as people in canada can do for the people in Japan. Just the other day I saw this awesome couple at guildford the girl had a sign and the boy had a video camera. the sign said give me a hug and I will donate 1 dollar to the japan relief fund. I think I want to do a youth initiative to help the communities in Japan.


Ban Bodychecking in Canada
Researchers want to ban bodychecking in kids hockey in Canada. Bodychecking is introduced to kids at age 9 in canada and not till age 12 in other places. They are saying how people have downplayed a concussion but it is actually a serious injury that can cause headaches, memory loss, fatigue, and inattention. and since only about 1 in 4000 hockey players actually make it to the big times why let kids go through that pain.
I completely agree with this and I think they should ban bodychecking for kids that young. I mean who wants to see 9 year olds smashing eachother into the boards.


Yesterday the NDP (New Democratic Party) voted for their new leader. Adrian Dix won the vote. he is promising better jobs in B.C., He wants to raise mininum wage, giving more money to charities, as well as a lot more to benefit our beautiful province of B.C.
I am personally for the NDP and if lovely canada would just make it possible for 16 year olds to vote I would be right out there on voting day to vote for this awesome guy.
He says what he is working on now is preparing the party for the next election.
and I feel cool cause my dad went out to dinner to celebrate with Adrian Dix last night and for some reason that makes me feel really political.
Now I have shaken the hand of someone who shook Adrian Dix hand and someone who has shaken the hand of someone who shook OBAMA's hand. that is right OBAMA
I may sound biased in this blog but that is probably because I am.